How to be a stand out candidate

Hiring managers are often over-run with CV’s and applications meaning they will conduct many interviews when the time comes to hire. We understand that It’s easy to be overlooked when up against so many talented people.

Alas! There are some ways you can stand out from the crowd and secure that dream job. Read on to find out more.

Leave the generic response at home

Don’t be in such a rush to give a generic answer that the interviewer has probably already heard a hundred times. Great candidates will have a unique view point and will thoughtfully provide good answers to the questions. And remember, it’s ok to gather your thoughts in front of the interviewer.

Be trainable

A good way to et yourself apart from other candidates is to appear trainable. By communicating with curiosity and asking about ways you can progress you are showing that you’re not only qualified for the role but that you are open to new training and learning how to be a successful employee.

Be comfortable in your own skin

We all know an interview can put you on edge and make you feel tense but if you stay calm and confident in your abilities you will emanate an aura that will put the hiring manager at ease and instantly set your interview apart from the rest. The interviewer will get an idea of what it would be like to have you on their team.

Being kind

If you think the way to win over a hiring manager is by going in with an exterminator character then you’re wrong! The ability to be kind is an intangible skill that can go a long way. But being kind shouldn’t just be reserved from your potential future boss, it should also be for everyone you meet along the way. From the security guard to the receptionist because bad news travels fast! Ad it can negatively impact your chances of getting hired

Have a killer CV

Your CV is what stands between your application and an interview so it needs to be special. Hiring managers aren’t looking to read paragraph after paragraph about your work experience. They want facts! Being very specific and to the point of your responsibilities and achievements at your previous work place. This will make your CV easy to read and in turn, the hiring manager is more likely to read it thoroughly.

Unless you specialize in a field that .00001% of the general population knows about, there is going to be competition out there for the same job. And while you think your skills are exactly what the company is looking for, there are hundreds of other people who feel the same way.

For ways to make your CV shine brighter than the rest, click here

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