How to effectively work remotely

If you're new to the work-from-home lifestyle, whether due to coronavirus or because you've managed to find a remote-based job, you'll need to change some of your habits and routines to make working from home a success. Here are our top tips on how to be successful.

More and more of us are being tasked with the unfamiliar onus of working from home meaning we’ve had to figure out when to work, where to work, and how to create boundaries between work and personal life.

If you're new to the work-from-home lifestyle, whether due to coronavirus or because you've managed to find a remote-based job, you'll need to change some of your habits and routines to make working from home a success. Here are our top tips on how to be successful.

1. Get ready for the day

How do you start your day? Do you shower, meditate, an at home workout? Whatever it may be, make sure you go about your normal routine as this will help kick start your productivity. Designate some work clothes even if they’re more comfortable than your normal work clothes. This will help to keep you focussed rather than daydreaming about the sofa and your favourite show.

2. Set and stick to a routine

Having a plan of tasks you need to accomplish during your working day will help to prevent you from feeling lethargic and lost. The best way to do this is by creating a daily schedule and putting it in to writing. This will help reduce stress levels which in turn will lead to improved mental health, give you more time to relax and reduce anxiety. Even if you don't typically thrive on a strict schedule, having a routine can be helpful in times of unpredictability, uncertainty, and stress.

3. Have a dedicated work space

Coworking spaces create consistent work structures and allow you to separate your personal and professional life. If you can, find a space away from the TV and other distractions. Have everything prepared and in one space for example and chargers you’ll need, pens, papers etc. It’s very important to be comfortable and while it may be tempting to sit on the sofa it’s much better to sit at a table where possible.

4. Take a break

Working from home can make us feel like we must be available all the time, but just being present isn’t helpful to anyone. Making time for breaks is important for managing stress. A good time management technique is working for twenty-five-minute intervals and then taking a five-minute break. After four twenty-five-minute sessions take a break that is fifteen to thirty minutes long. Use this time to get some fresh air, grab a coffee or just have a good old’ fashioned stretch.

5. Stay connected

Communication is the key to success. It’s vital for keeping on the same page, avoiding misinterpretations, overlaps, and resulting confusion. Good communication helps to ensure that tasks are completed by the right people, at the right time, and to the required standard. Utilising video messenger apps, being proactive with your boss by scheduling one-on-one time, and matching your work schedules with colleagues are all excellent ways to ensure you stay connected.

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